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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

What's Up with the Paintings Around Town?

Has anyone else noticed the paintings randomly placed around Tallahassee? I've seen them nailed to trees and utility poles but don't understand if they mean something collectively or just enjoy them individually?

Is it the work of an artistic college student? A starving artist? A rogue group of gang members with a new definition of graffiti?

While I don't understand the paintings, yet, I actually like them...

3 Comment(s):

Paris David said...

What an amazing feeling it is to see your pics of Tallahassee -- seeing as though I haven't stepped foot on that land of seven hills since I graduated from FAMU in 1990!


I hope you find out who's creating those things...

Anonymous said...

I have noticed these too. I love them! I want to go on a picture scavenger hunt-thing... Basically, go around town and take pictures of these, note the location, and see if they somehow connect. Have you noticed that some of these have one picture over antoher?

jhuber7672 said...

Paula - Glad I can help you recapture your college years.

Anon - That's a really cool idea - a scavenger hunt. At a stop light the other day I did notice that one (like a sunrise/sunset or something) was posted on top of another painting. I'm gonna have to stop and take some pix!