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Saturday, November 01, 2008

Fashion that gets your Heart Racing!

Sorry I haven't been around lately, apparently this year midterms last from labor day till Thanksgiving. Have some really fun fashion news. This coming week Nov. 2-8 is Florida State's annual Fall Fashion Week. The first event is this Sunday, November 2, and is a 5k run (or walk). Sign up is at one pm at the Sandels Building on campus. The fee is $15 and goes to the Tallahassee Refuge House. The race officially begins at 1:30 and ends back at Sandels. There is even Free food and Prizes! This event is supported by a organization I belong to called Fashion Inc. and also Collegiate Merchandising Association. So put on your running shoes and run, jog, or walk your heart out for a good cause and fashion!!! If you need any directions feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me.

1 Comment(s):

jhuber7672 said...

Can't wait to hear about what happens during Fashion Week :)